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The WordApp is an ARCTIS authoring client.

It allows authors of wiki pages to do their work in Word before exporting the result to the ARCTIS server. The resulting work can be intergrated directly into the ARCTIS Editorial Process.


It is accessed from the ARCTIS tab in the Word menu bar. It consists of 2 parts

  1. Summariser provides powerful extraction/summaerizing/tokenizing capabilities for the current document.
  2. ARCTIS Client provides integrated search and export capabilities.

A document can be saved in 4 ways to ARCTIS

  1. template - ARCTIS template
  2. (blank) - Regular wiki page, not integrated in the editorial process
  3. nomination - A nomination to new (editorial) work
  4. work - An editorial, work in progress document, Usually initiated with "Start Work".

Please read the Authoring guidelines before creating/updating wiki pages.

A set of templates are created before system start, then later the set is maintained. This is an editor task.

Users with permissions can register new nominations. These are placed in the "New Nomination" phase of the editorial process.

Authors typically initiate new by "Start Work". This will produce a template, which complies to the editorial rules. The author saves the new document locally and works on it. When done (maybe weeks later), the document is saved, typically using the same wiki page name as specified in "Start Work".
Will overwite the current content of the specified wiki page, if all rules are complied to.

The rules to save a work page include

  • Author must have write permissions to the wiki page,
    which usually implies the logged in user must be a member of the Topic/Content group the page is assigned to.
  • Wiki page must be in the "Work in Progress" editorial state
  • The content must comply to the "Header rules" set by the Knowledge Net node, the wiki page originated from.

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